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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Very Me Collection- Lip Bliss

The summer counts its very last days. The weather outside is so depressive, that even that exacerbates my, already, melancholic state. I am sitting on my favorite armchair, tucked gently with my warm blanket, holding coffee cup, and, at the same time, glancing to the outside. Early dawn, a cold, foggy and cloudy morning, seems like it announces the upcoming of another depressive, autumn day, as it was mid-October, not September.  
And so, my thoughts are wandering to a far, much nicer and sunnier landscapes, and I remember, of some, not so distant, experiences. And, inevitably, I am analyzing myself, my every single movement in that given situation. I can honestly tell you, that I am more than pleased with these my actions, in that specific situation. If nothing else, I stayed true to myself, and it is, at least in my opinion, of a vital importance. I’ve stayed Very Me!

No matter what life and destiny can bring to you, it’s highly important to stay faithful to yourself. That, of course, doesn’t necessarily have to mean that your bad temper and some of your the worst flaws, should allow to come to the surface. Surely, you should be doing on cultivating, polishing and mitigation them, you wouldn’t find yourself in such a highly unpleasant situation, in which you are being declared to be a real savage girl (like I was :-)). Like in the lines of Sting’s song “Englishman in New York”, which goes:”… be yourself, no matter what they say!...”. In such a “happy” mood, and after finishing my whole “introspection thing”, I find myself in a quiet, pleasant mood, it was utterly refreshing, I must confess. Be honest to yourself, never is an easy task! When you achieve that level of honesty + admit to yourself the bare truth (without any beautification, at all) + when you feel highly satisfied with your behavior in that specific situation + and, when you finally, realize that you’ve remained, completely, faithful to yourself, to  your own principles, virtues, and, even, faithful to your own flaws- that’s just outstanding!!! That’s exactly who you, actually are, a wonderful and unique human being. And you, can’t simply, hide by being surprisingly complied with some strange sense of pride, happiness and freshness. 

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