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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Be Kind To Your Skin

Our skin is exposed to the sun more than we know - it happens even when we don't think about it - sitting by the window, walking kids to school, and this can speed up ageing.

The UV rays from the sun damage  the good fats in your skin (ceramides) which prevent the skin from drying - that's why we should be wearing SPF every day.

It's all to easy to leave make-up on overnight, but this can lead to breakouts because pores get blocked as you sleep. Also you want to get rid of the dirt and pollution from the day, so always cleanse before going to bed.

You may also wonder why you should cleanse again in the morning - this will remove toxins, oil and dead skin that has built up overnight as you sleep

A great investment is a cleansing brush - this will get deeper to really remove the pollution and dirt. Cleansing and washing should be a daily routine to have the skin you deserve.

You may already moisture, but have you thought of adding serum to you routine?  This will boost radiance, target fine lines, and lift the skin.  A higher concentration of ingredients means it penetrates the skin deeper.

Night Time Products
Having specific night-time products help repair the skin and work on recovering from the dirt and grime of the day.
Therefore make sure you apply a night cream that will restore the skin and help target the first signs of ageing.

Healthy Skin
The largest organ in our body is the skin, therefore it is important that it also is looked after too. This requires a balanced diet which includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (along with other things).

You should always try to include fruit and vegetables every day.
Another good boost is Omega 3 which is found in oily fish (or a supplement) - this keeps the skin hydrated .   

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